He’s worth over eleven billion dollars. He’s creating game-changing business like: PayPal, Tesla Motors and SpaceX. He’s the closest thing we have to real-life IronMan. He’s Elon Musk and here are his top 8 rules for success:

source: Internet
1.     DO SOMETHING IMPORTANT: if you know something is important, you should give it a try even if possible outcome is failure.
2.     FOCUS ON SIGNAL OVER NOISE: Just think about all the efforts you are expending; are they resulting in a better product or service, or even a better YOU? And if they’re not, STOP those efforts.
3.     DON’T LISTEN TO THE #LITTLEMAN: Negative people always have a negative impact (on you). So stay with positive people who encourage you even more.
4.     LOOK FOR THE PROBLEM SOLVERS: Anyone who struggles hard with a problem never forgets it. So, they can give you really nice advice or even help you a lot in solving your problem.
5.     REALLY LIKE WHAT YOU DO: It’s important that you like whatever you’re doing, that makes you even better at your work. If you like what you’re doing, you’ll think about it even when you’re not working. And if you don’t like it, you just really can’t make it work (I think).
6.     TAKE A RISK: As you get older, your obligations increase. And once you have a family, you start taking risk not for yourself, but for your family as well’ it gets much harder to do things that might not work out. So, take a risk, and even if you are a family-man (with kids); just remember: there’s a difference between Hard and Impossible.
7.     WORK SUPER HARD: If you do simple maths, say like, If somebody else is working 50 hours and you’re working 100; you’ll get twice as much done in the course of a year.
8.     NEVER GIVE UP: That’s the most important thing. You must never give up!! Dr. martin Luther King Jr. one said-
 If you can’t fly, then run, If you can’t run, then walk,
If you can’t walk, then crawl,But whatever you do,You have to keep moving forward”

Thanks for reading J


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